South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
⌂ » About » Background

What We Do?
Deliver Health Care
SERHA is responsible for the delivery of health care services to the residents of St. Catherine, St. Thomas, Kingston and St. Andrew. This represents almost 51% (approximately 1.2 million) of the population of Jamaica.

Manage 92
Health Centres
Health Care is delivered through a network of 92 Health Centres throughout the region:
• St. Catherine - 27 health centres
• Kingston & St. Andrew - 48 health centres
• St. Thomas - 17 health centres
Manage 10
SERHA manages 10 major hospitals. These hospitals are:
• Bustamante Hospital for Children
• Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre
• Hope Institute
• National Chest Hospital
• Spanish Town Hospital
• Linstead Hospital
• Princess Margaret Hospital
• St. Joseph's Hospital • Victoria Jubilee Hospital
• Kingston Public Hospital
Five of the ten hospitals within the region are also specialist or National Referral Hospitals. Some of these institutions also accept patients referred from other Caribbean islands.

Our Category of Staff
SERHA employs approximately 7,000 people from a variety of medical and non-medical groups.
These include staff directly involved with health care delivery for example nurses, doctors, technologists, pharmacists, health record administrators, attendants and public health inspectors.
There are other staff members who work to ensure that the health care delivery system functions at an optimal level and give support to those charged with the direct delivery of health care.
It is the quality statement of the organization to:
Provide health care services of the highest possible standards that meet the requirements of the Jamaican people and enhance patients satisfaction through continual improvement of service delivery.
To ensure that all Jamaicans are being treated fairly without bias or prejudice of religion, political affiliation, race, gender, status or class.
Vision Statement
The South East Regional Health Authority with the general population, seeks to facilitate a satisfying and healthy life.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the South East Regional Health Authority is to promote and safeguard the health of the Jamaican people in collaboration with individuals, groups/agencies through the provision and monitoring of cost-effective, preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitative services delivered by adequately trained and motivated personnel.
The Quality Statement
Main Departments that fall under SERHA
• Regional Director’s Office
• Regional Technical Department
• Management Information System
• Human Resource and Industrial Relations
• Public Relations
• Administrative
• Accounts and Finance
• Procurement
• Audit
• Projects
• Operations and Maintenance
A Statutory Body of the