South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
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Board Chairman's Message
I greet you all and thank you for visiting the website of the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA). I am Mr. Wentworth Charles, Board Chairman.
The SERHA is a statutory body incorporated under the National Health Services Act and is one of four Regional Health Authorities formed as part of the Ministry of Health & Wellness. The Authority is defined by geographical boundaries of varying sizes and have overarching responsibilities for the delivery of public health care services to specific parishes. The SERHA comprises of three parishes; namely, Kingston & St. Andrew, St. Catherine and St. Thomas that serves the largest population in Jamaica, through a health care delivery network formed by 92 health centres and 10 major hospitals.
The SERHA’s mission is to improve health care services throughout the Region. As the largest Health Authority, we are committed to fulfilling the mandate that will ensure the provision of quality health services and promote healthy lifestyles and environmental practices in order to achieve the strategic vision: “Healthy People, Healthy Environment” and to meet the growing demands of our growing population.
I would like to take this opportunity to commend all of our hardworking and resilient health care workers who have been doubling their efforts on a daily basis to save lives and to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus whilst keeping the Jamaican population safe.
As SERHA continues to embark on its vision to expand and improve the infrastructure of its health care facilities, to train more highly specialized professionals and to safeguard access to equitable, comprehensive and first rate health services throughout the Region, it is inspired and supported by its leadership through its management and stakeholders who remain dedicated to the task.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the hardworking and dedicated employees of SERHA, I invite you to explore our website and to inform yourself about what we are doing to improve health care services.
Yours Respectfully,
Mr. Wentworth Charles
Board Chairman
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