South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
⌂ » Opportunities » Donate

Policy Guidelines For Gift and Donations
The South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) operates 10 hospitals and 92 health centres across the region.
The main sources of funding to the public health sector are from the Government of Jamaica Consolidated Fund, National Health Fund, private insurance, development partners and to a limited extent, fees for selected services. The public health facilities have also benefitted from generous donations in cash and kind from both local and overseas sources. The Government of Jamaica Public Sector Procurement Procedures (2012) requires that all donations, whether in cash or kind are accounted for in the Ministry’s Estimates of Expenditure.
All gifts and donations to SERHA must be in accordance with the Policy and Procedures Guidelines for Gifts and Donations to the Ministry of Health and Wellness.