South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
⌂ » Health Services » Health Education & Promotion

Health Education & Promotion
Health Education and Promotion is a priority programme area at SERHA with its cross-cutting strategic elements that underpin the success of all other programmes in the region.
This profession requires intensive specialized training encompassing the biological, environmental,
psychological, social, physical and medical sciences.
In SERHA, a special focus is placed on integrating health promotion/education strategies in the following programmes as follows:
School Health - Jamaica Moves in Schools (JMIS)
Chronic-non-Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases
Physical Activity
Environmental Health

Jamaica Moves is one of the strategies used by the Ministry of Health & Wellness to address the increase in the number of persons who are getting Non-communicable Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes (sugar) and some cancers.
This strategy is employed in schools, workplaces and communities and puts emphasis on the promotion of physical activity, proper nutrition and age appropriate and routine health checks. The Health Education and Promotion Officers spearheaded the execution of the implementation of these interventions.
Mental Health Services
The Community Mental Health Programme is designed for the promotion of mental health, the prevention of mental illness, and the treatment and rehabilitation of persons living with mental illnesses.
It is designed to assist in meeting the mental health needs of clients and their families in their own communities or as close to the community as possible.
Mental health services in the South East Region are provided by a specialist team in conjunction with other health workers (professional and support) in governmental and non-governmental facilities.

In Community
Home visits - for delinquent patients, monitoring compliance with medication and other prescribed therapies.
Mobile Team Activities - Teams visit and treat patients at home and on the streets.
Health Promotion/Education to groups - church school, social groups, health fairs, health groups
In Outpatient Department Clinics, health centres and lock-ups at police stations. Services include: assessment, treatment, providing report/recommendation to Resident Magistrates' Courts on 'fitness to plea' and other medico-legal issues.
Hospital Schedule by parish:
St. Thomas
Isaac Barrant Community Hospital-2nd and 4th Mondays
Princess Margaret Hospital- every Tuesday
Bath Health Centre- 4th Wednesdays
Seaforth Health Centre- 2nd Thursdays
Cedar Valley Health Centre- 3rd Thursdays
Yallahs Health Centre- 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Mondays and 4th Thursdays
Llandeway Health Centre- 2nd Fridays
Infirmary-3rd Wednesdays
Child Guidance Clinic (St. Thomas)
Morant Bay Health Centre- Every Wednesday
Yallahs Health Centre- Every Tuesday
Isaac Barrant Community Hospital- 1st and 3rd Mondays
Kingston & St. Andrew
Kingston Public Hospital- Every Wednesday
Windward Road Health Centre- Every Wednesday, 3rd Tuesday, & 2nd Friday
Edna Manley Health Centre-Every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays
Slipe Pen Road Health Centre- Every 1st, 2nd 4th & 5th Tuesdays
Hagley Park Health Centre- Every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Duhaney Park Health Centre- Every Thursday & 2nd Monday
Maxfield Park Health Centre- Every Tuesday
Gordon Town Health Centre-Every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Stony Hill Health Centre- 4th Thursdays & 2nd Fridays
Sunrise Health Centre- Every Wednesday
Harbour View Health Centre- Every 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Mondays
Rollington Town Health Centre- Every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Red Hills Health Centre- 3rd Wednesdays
Olympic Way Health Centre- 2nd Fridays & 3rd Mondays
University Hospital
Lawrence Tavern Health Centre- 3rd Tuesdays
Seaview Gardens Health Centre- 4th Fridays
Golden Spring Health Centre- 2nd Mondays
Nannyville Health Centre-1st Thursdays
Oakglades Health Centre – 1st & 3rd Thursdays
Tivoli Gardens Health Centre- 3rd Mondays
Mavis Bank Health Centre -3rd Wednesdays
Golden Age Home- 3rd Tuesdays & 4th Fridays
Faith Centre-3rd Thursdays
Drop In Centre-3rd Thursdays
Child Guidance Clinic (Kingston & St. Andrew)
Comprehensive Health Care- Mondays – Fridays
Glen Vincent Health Centre- Mondays – Fridays
St. Catherine
St. Jago Health Centre-Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays 2nd & 3rd Mondays
Bog Walk Health Centre- Every Tuesday
Riversdale Health Centre- 2nd Wednesdays
Guys Hill Health Centre- 3rd Wednesdays
Old Harbour Health Centre- 2nd & 4nd Fridays
Greater Portmore Health Centre- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mondays, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursdays
Christian Pen Health Centre-4th Thursdays
Sligoville Health Centre- 1st Wednesdays
Watermount Health Centre- 4th Fridays
Glengoffe Health Centre- 4th Wednesdays
St. Catherine Infirmary- 3rd Wednesdays
Child Guidance Clinic (St. Catherine)
Linstead Health Centre- 1st Mondays
St. Jago Park Health Centre- Mondays – Fridays