South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
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National Chest Hospital Upgrade Projects
Project Update: The National Chest Hospital completed two major projects. The first project involved the paving works to provide a stable platform for the movement of heavy vehicles, particularly for the delivery of medical oxygen. This was done at a cost of JA$4,678,220.00 million, funded by SERHA. The second project involved the construction of a concrete structure to accommodate a new air compression and vacuum system to serve the hospital. This was done at a cost of JA$5,428,616.00 million funded by SERHA.​​​
Roof Replacement for the Accident and Emergency Unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital
Project Update: The roof replacement for the Accident and Emergency Unit at Princess Margaret Hospital involved the installation of a new timber and metal roof, was carried out at a This significant upgrade enhances the facility’s resilience and improves the overall environment for both patients and staff. The new roof not only provides better protection against the elements but also supports the hospital's commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services.
Funding: A cost of JA$5,345,000.00, funded by SERHA.

Temporary Housing Facility at St. Joseph’s Hospital for Cancer PatientsProject Background:
Project Update: The Pines 2, which is a temporary housing facility at St. Joseph’s Hospital, houses cancer patients travelling from remote areas for radiotherapy treatment, which can last from two to six weeks. This 20-bed facility is equipped with showers, toilets, and separate rooms for doctors and nurses. The projects and operations team have ensured that Pines 2 meets the highest standards of comfort, safety, and modern healthcare. Meals are also provided for these patients.
Date of Reopening: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Funding: Constructed at a cost of $15 million, funded by SERHA

Central Village Health Centre Receives Upgrade
Project Update: The Central Village Health Centre in Catherine, which is a Type I facility, has received an to improve the aesthetics of the facility. The renovations included repainting, replacement of fixtures and fittings, wall construction, and gate construction to enhance care for approximately 4,000 residents. The Health Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It provides curative services, maternal and child healthcare, wound dressing, immunization, and family planning. A visiting doctor comes every Friday except for the fourth Friday of the month.
Funding: At a cost JA$8,694,000.00 funded by the National Health Fund

Arcadia Health Centres Reopens Under Operation Refresh
Project Update: The Arcadia Health Centre, a Type I facility, has been upgraded under ‘Operation Refresh’. It is second health centre that was opened under the programme. The renovation included repainting, retiling, and changing interior fixtures and fittings. Termite treatment, fence repairs, and debushing were also done to enhance care for 200 residents. This facility offers child and maternal health services, PapSmear, Immunization, and Family Planning. It opens every day from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Date of Reopening: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Funding: The National Health Fund at a cost of over JA$6 million
Port Morant Health Centre Reopens Following $28 Million Operation Refresh’ Upgrade
Project Update: The Port Morant Health Centre in St. Thomas is one of the first health centres to benefit under the new programme, Operation Refresh. The Port Morant Health Centre is a type II facility that serves a population of some 34,000 people, including communities from Land Top, Pear Tree River, Leith Hall, and Pamphret. The Centre is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The services offered are a child health clinic, medical clinic, nutrition counselling, environmental health services, pharmacy, postnatal, family planning, pap smear, and antenatal.
Date of Reopening: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Funding: The National Health Fund at a cost of JA$28 million

Three New Digital X-Rays Installed at KPH
Project Update: Three (3) new state-of-the art digital x-ray machines are now installed at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) to expand its diagnostic services. These new devices will increase staff productivity, reduce patient wait times, and eliminate the outsourcing of diagnostics and assessment. This will also allow real-time uploading and transmission of imaging for better service with over 3000 images per month. The Bustamante Hospital for Children, National Chest Hospital, and Spanish Town Hospital are also to receive digital X-ray machines for patients who enter these hospitals with conditions that require scans.
The investment made by SERHA for the six machines is approximately J$500 million.
Date of commissioning of X-ray units at KPH: May 21, 2024.
Funding: The investment made by SERHA for the six machines is approximately J$500 million.

SERHA Opens Outpatient Waiting Area at the Spanish Town Hospital
The South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) recently opened the Outpatient Waiting Area at the Spanish Town Hospital (STH), which has the capacity to accommodate 300 patients who may require care but do not need to be admitted. The covered waiting area is equipped with comfortable chairs and ceiling fans to be installed to improve patient experience.
Date of opening ceremony: May 15, 2024.
Funding:The South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) provided the funding at a cost of J$32 million

Temporary Relocation of the Dietary Unit at Princess Margaret Hospital
Project Update:
The dietary unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital was temporarily relocated to facilitate the renovation and upgrade of the main dietary unit at the hospital.
Date of completion for Relocation: February 2024.

Ground Breaking Ceremony- Redevelopment of the Spanish Town Hospital
Medical services at the Spanish Town Hospital are set to be transformed with the redevelopment of the 430-bed facility. The renovation works, valued at some $5.5 billion Jamaican dollars, will see the building of a state-of-the-art, six-storey facility spanning more than 17,000 square metres. As a result, patient care delivery at the facility will expand to new services, including urology, oncology, cardiology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, and psychiatry.
It will be equipped with cutting-edge technology, including electronic access to patient medical records. The move is in keeping with making available reliable and modern infrastructure for health service delivery, a goal articulated in the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ Vision For Health 2030 Ten-Year Strategic Plan. “The Government of Jamaica is determined to transform the health system for patients and their families, but also, critically, for the health staff who make it possible to deliver care to the many thousands who visit this and other facilities islandwide,” said Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, Minister of Health and Wellness. He added that “the works slated for Spanish Town Hospital under the Health Systems Strengthening Programme, which brings us here today, help us to make that transformation,” the Minister continued.
Redevelopment of the Spanish Town Hospital is being implemented by the Government of Jamaica through the financial support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). A total of USD $148 million dollars has been allocated for the Health Systems Strengthening Programme, of which the Government of Jamaica has committed USD $87 million dollars. Spanish Town The hospital – the largest ‘type B’ facility on the island, will receive the largest investment in
infrastructure works. The project has been driven by a Steering Committee, with the support of a Technical Sub-Committee of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the South East Regional Health Authority.
State-of-the-Art Facility: The new building will include an Accident and Emergency Wing on its ground floor, alongside an Ambulance Bay; Triage and Consultation rooms; and lounge areas for medical staff. The ground floor will also feature the Radiology Department, equipped with MRI, X-ray and CT Scan Rooms, among other diagnostic services. Outpatient Services, an Endoscopy Unit, a Surgical A suite and an Intensive Care Unit will also form part of the redeveloped facility.
Six operating theatres with all the necessary services will be among the resources. Multiple general wards, and special wards, including Isolation Rooms, will be on the facility. The facility will also boast a separate wing for laboratory services, including Immunology, Haematology, Serology Labs and Blood Collection Centre. The infrastructural works will position the hospital to improve its efficiency and quality of care while further meeting the growing demands of St. Catherine.
Date of the groundbreaking ceremony: Tuesday, January 16, 2024, on the hospital’s grounds.

Relocated projects at the Spanish Town Hospital
The facilities relocation project is intended to affect the geographical repositioning of designated facilities at the Spanish Town Hospital. The relocation is intended to vacate areas earmarked for the Inter-Development Bank (IDB) funded major hospital expansion for the construction of a new multistorey facility.
Services Offered: The relocation of the pharmacy and laboratory, construction of the main car park, conversion of the store building into a maintenance staff building, and Day Care Centre of the Spanish Town Hospital are at an advanced stage.
The project has been driven by a Steering Committee, with the support of a Technical Sub-Committee of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the South East Regional Health Authority.
Date of Official Opening: February 2024

Opening of the New Dr. Kenneth Baugh Health Centre, St. Catherine
The newly refurbished Dr. Kenneth Baugh Health Centre in West Central, St. Catherine is a type 3 facility that will serve more than 200 persons each month from Point Hill, Duxes, Mendez, Pusey, Roaring River, Garden Hill, Brown’s Town, Rennals and Old Works.The facility, formerly the Point Hill Health Centre, was renamed in honour of the late Dr. Kenneth Baugh, who served as Minister of Health from 1980 to 1989, and Member of Parliament for West Central St. Catherine from 1997 to 2016.
Services Offered: The services offered at the health centre includes; curative, maternal and child health, dental, family planning, mental health, pap smear and laboratory. Pharmacy services will shortly be added. It also includes a registry for record-keeping, antenatal and postnatal facility, immunization area, a lunchroom, dressing room, a doctor’s office and a room for Community Health Aides.
Date of Official Opening: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Funding: The National Health Fund provided the funding at a cost of $42 million.

Cardiac Ward at the Bustamante Hospital for Children
The refurbishing work for the construction of the Cardiac Centre at the Bustamante Hospital for Children (BHC) is completed and equipped with a Catheterization Laboratory (Cath lab), Operating Room and an Intensive Care Unit. Each year, over 400 children are born in Jamaica with congenital heart disease. Between November 2017 and March 2019, 83 cardiac surgeries and catheterizations procedures have been done at the Cardiac Centre.
The successes of the surgeries were performed through medical missions of Chain of Hope, Caribbean Heart Menders and the Congenital Heart Institute of Florida over the years, and in the process, providing healthcare professionals and much need equipment and supplies, valued at millions of dollars each year. The establishment of the Cardiac Centre is significant, as this is the only one of its kind, in Jamaica and the wider English-speaking Caribbean.
The work, undertaken through major funding agencies included the installation of an Intensive Care Unit, Bi-plane Cath lab, Operating theatre, Administrative Offices and Examination Rooms.
Date of Official Opening: Monday, April 15, 2019
Funding: The Ministry of Health & Wellness, South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA), Chain of Hope, Gift of Life International, Rotary International, Sagicor Foundation, Shaggy Make a Difference Foundation, Digicel Foundation, National Health Fund provided majority of the funding at a cost of US$5 million.

Renovation and Expansion of the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) at the Linstead Hospital
The renovated work of the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department at the Linstead Hospital, undertaken through funding from the National Health Fund (NHF), included infrastructural upgrades, new furniture and equipment, installation of new air conditioning, upgrading of the medical gas system, added amenities for staff, spacious area for patients, and comfortable treatment and examination rooms.
The project is intended to meet the high demand for emergency treatment and improve the quality of patient care. The Linstead Hospital is a major referral centre for Spanish Town, Kingston Public, National Chest hospitals and the Bustamante Hospital for Children. The Type C facility sees about 30,000 patients annually.
Date of Official Opening: Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Funding: The National Health Fund provided the funding at a cost of $144.98 million. The contract for the project was signed with Chin’s Construction Limited.

The Renovation and Expansion of the Accident & Emergency (A&E) Department at the Princess Margaret Hospital
The multi-million dollar renovation includes the acquisition and installation of an elevator, the addition of new beds, the acquisition of surgical equipment and upgrading of the electrical system. The Department features nebulization station, an expanded waiting area, separation of the Medical Records Area from the General Accident & Emergency (A&E) Waiting Area, ten beds in the emergency room. In addition, the A&E has four examination rooms, a minor operations room with a recovery area. The official ceremony for the newly improved Accident and Emergency Department and the commissioning of elevator into service at the Princess Margaret Hospital in St. Thomas.
Date of Official Opening: Thursday, July 4, 2019
Funding: The National Health Fund provided the funding at a cost $217.5 million to offset the cost of the project.

Construction of a Waiting Area at the Windward Health Centre
The renovation of the Waiting Area at the Windward Health Centre in Kingston has been upgraded to include painting, additional staffing and other fixtures and repairs. The waiting area also has a television installed.
Date of Official Opening: The area is completed and in full operation.
Funding: The South East Regional Health Authority provided the funding at a cost of $10 million

New Drug Serv Pharmacy at the Bustamante Hospital for Children Opened
The construction of the new pharmacy at the Bustamante Hospital for Children has been undertaken to meet existing and future population needs. It will extend the delivery of new and improved pharmaceutical services offered by the National Health Fund to its clients. The pharmacy will also boast increased dispensing windows for timely processing of prescriptions and a pleasant and welcoming environment for patients as well as staff at the hospital. It will be equipped with a sterile room to protect the integrity of the drugs ensuring that they are of the highest quality, a manufacturing room to facilitate liquid formulations, staff areas, multi- purpose room, and a sick bay.
Date of Official Opening: Wednesday, June 7, 2021
Funding: The National Health Fund provided the funding at a cost of over $70 million, as part of the development plan for the hospital.

New Health Centre in Brown's Hall
The Brown's Hall Health Centre is a type one health facility which serves communities such as Macka Tree, Marlie Hill, Belfield and Blue Hole. It provides curative services, maternal and child healthcare, dressing of wounds, immunization and family planning.
The health centre is equipped with two examination lamps, two examination beds, one wheelchair, dressing tables, waiting area chairs, patient chairs and other items/equipment.
Residents are able to access services including: maternal and child health, dressing, immunization, family planning and curative-once a month by visiting a doctor.
Date of Official Opening: Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Funding: The Kemteck Development and Construction Limited and Omni Industries Limited, whose principals are natives of Brown’s Hall, provided the funding to construct the building at a cost $35 million. The building was designed by the Ministry of Health & Wellness and the National Health Fund (NHF).

New Oncology Ward at the Bustamante Hospital for Children
The Oncology Ward (Ward 9) project at the Bustamante Hospital for Children has been completed to treat patients undergoing investigations and treatment for different forms of cancer. This ward is the first of its kind in the Jamaica.
Date of Official Opening: To be announced.
Funding: The South East Regional Health Authority provided the funding at a cost of $27 million.

COVID-19 Field Hospital at the Spanish Town Hospital
The Spanish Town Hospital has benefited from a redeployed Covid-19 field hospital that was relocated from the National Chest Hospital. It is currently equipped with 40 beds but can hold up to 60 beds and it has all the infrastructures and technologies to treat positive Covid-19 patients. The field hospital will help to alleviate the overcrowding issues inside the Accident and Emergency Department.
Date of Official Opening: Friday, April 9, 2021
Funding: The United Sates (US) Government through the US Embassy in Jamaica donated the field hospital to the Government of Jamaica.

Renovation of Stony Hill Health Centre
The Stony Hill Health Centre is a type three facility, which provides medical care to at least 200 patients per day, now has an expanded records system, dental unit, pharmacy, and an upgraded sewer system. It also boasts new consultation rooms, nebulization and rehydration areas and new waiting and sub-waiting areas.
Date of Official Opening: Friday, December 6, 2020
Funding: The National Health Fund provided the funding at a cost of $80 million.

COVID-19 Building at St. Joseph’s Hospital
The COVID-19 Building at the St. Joseph Hospital & Medical Centre is a 36-bed facility that will be used to treat more patients with coronavirus and other ailments. It is equipped with the necessary health infrastructure, equipment and personnel. The hospital is built by Rogers Land Development Limited.
Date of Official Opening: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Funding: The Ministry of Health & Wellness provided the funding at a cost of approximately $99 million.

COVID-19 Ward at the Princess Margaret Hospital
The Princess Margaret Hospital in St. Thomas has implemented significant changes to deal with the coronavirus (COVID-19). The hospital has a 10-bed dedicated COVID ward, which along with the three-bed isolation facility brings the bed complement dedicated to COVID-19 treatment to 13. The Princess Margaret Hospital is a Type C health facility and the only secondary healthcare facility in the parish. The implementation of the ward assisted with the quick response of the National COVID-19 strategic plan.
Date of Official Opening: In March 2020
Funding: The South East Regional Health Authority provided the funding for the Ward.