South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
St. Joseph's Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital is one of the specialist hospitals that was taken over by SERHA on April 1, 2022. It was officially opened by the Dominican Sisters of Union City, New Jersey, on December 8, 1916. This hospital was built at Deanery Park and designed by Mr. Braham Judah. Since the opening of the hospital, it has been equipped with an operating theatre and twenty-five beds. The first patient was admitted on December 31, 1916, and her baby was born on Thursday, January 4, 1917. In 1926, the chapel was added. Mother Magdalen Memorial Maternity Wing was opened in 1956.
St. Joseph’s Hospital has made several achievements over the years. These are as follows:
In 1961, the Albertus Magnus X-ray Pavilion was dedicated.
In 1970, the Dominican Sisters transferred ownership and management of St. Joseph’s Hospital to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston.
In 1972, Archbishop Carter went ahead with the construction of the medical centre and extension of St. Joseph Hospital.
On March 20th, 1975, the Medical Center was opened.
On December 24, 1975, the Operating Theatre Unit and Administration Wing were opened.
The transition of St. Joseph’s Hospital to SERHA is integral to the ministry’s objective of delivering client-centered, efficient, and accessible healthcare. Accordingly, St. Joseph’s Hospital will be redeveloped as a Center of Excellence in Oncology and Nephrology, operating as an extension of the Kingston Public Hospital.
This will see the phased relocation of certain oncology, nephrology, and ambulatory services from the Kingston Public Hospital to St. Joseph’s. In the meantime, St. Joseph’s Hospital will continue to operate as a permanent COVID-19 vaccination site, and there will be no impact on the delivery of radiotherapy services at the National Cancer Treatment Center located on the hospital compound. The hospital will also continue to provide urgent care (casualty)

22 Deanery Road, Kingston
Phone: (876) 928-4958
Cuban Eye Care telephone #: (876) 218-2205 or (876) 822-2755
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